

Otoshidama: A Heartwarming Japanese New Year Tradition

The Japanese New Year is a special time for celebrating family, friends, and new beginnings. At the heart of these fest...

Japanese New Year’s Cuisine: A Guide to Osechi-Ryori

The turn of the year in Japan is not just a time of joy and celebration but also an opportunity to indulge in one of th...

Hatsumode: Embracing the New Year with Japan’s Beautiful Tradition

Hatsumode is a beautiful tradition in Japan for welcoming the New Year. It involves visiting a shrine or temple dur...

Joya no Kane: The Resonating Bells of Japanese New Year

Ringing in the New with Ancient Bells As the world celebrates New Year's Eve with fireworks and countdowns, Japan ha...

Toshikoshi Soba: Slurping into the New Year with Japan’s Unique Tradition

A Flavorful Tradition on New Year's Eve As the clock ticks towards the new year, many cultures indulge in special fo...

Oosouji: The Japanese Tradition of Year-End Cleaning

Embracing Cleanliness and Renewal As the year winds down, many cultures engage in various traditions to welcome the ...
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